Live Tasks

Convert even more prospects into customers
by following Reply’s Live Tasks suggestions.

No manual work

Live Tasks are generated in batches associated with a particular campaign, suggesting what prospects to reach out to.

Task batches

Click on batches of the task suggestions to see the list of prospects you can perform suggested actions with.

Suggested actions

Select prospects from the list to move them to another Reply campaign or list. Apart from these actions, we’ll add more options shortly.

Live Tasks Use Cases

Prospects finished campaign but never replied

Every two weeks, Reply analyzes your campaigns and automatically creates tasks for the contacts that are finished in a campaign, but never responded to your emails.

Don’t let them stay idle! Add these prospects to the new campaign for nurturing.

Prospects viewed email ‘#’ of times

Reach out to those prospects, who are likely to be more interested than others by using ‘viewed your email ‘#’ number of times’ (you can specify the number, the best practice is 3+ times).

Reply monitors your initial outreach campaigns and creates task suggestions for these contacts every day.

Prospects clicked on links in your email: (coming soon)

Follow-up with the hottest prospects from your campaigns! Once a prospect from a particular campaign clicks on the link in your email (this can be a link to your website or special offer).

Reply creates a task suggestion on a daily basis so that you won’t miss out on the deal.

Contact responded, but you forgot the follow-up (coming soon)

Sometimes, you can miss out on a follow-up (or just forget, it happens) and neglect a great reply.

To help with that, Reply checks your campaigns to find those prospects, which answered your email, but didn’t receive a follow-up, and creates tasks suggestions to contact them ASAP.

Convert even more prospects into customers using Live Tasks feature available for every Reply account free of charge.

Try it free