Email is still one of the most effective communication channels in the world. No wonder more and more sales, recruitment and marketing people are using it to generate more opportunities and fill their pipelines with fresh and interested leads.

We call them “outreachers” because that’s what they do.

They look for the perfect match to their buyer personas and target potential customers who correspond to the initial Ideal Customer Profiles they create.

They create messages that cross oceans and mountains to land in their prospect’s inbox which start a new relationships in the B2B world.

They automate follow ups to save time but keep emails highly personalized to show their contacts how much they care. They spend time on research to feed customization fields.

They respect your right to be taken off the sequence at any given moment and never bug you again if you decide to click the opt-out button.

Definitely, those who work with cold emails share a special bond and sometimes have traits or habits that only other outreachers can understand. If your job is related to cold emailing, you may find yourself associated with some of these descriptions and, we hope, you’ll have fun reading it and sharing with your fellow colleagues.

You know you’ve nailed cold email when…

  1. You spend more time writing a subject line than the whole email
  2. You have more than 3 variants of an email
  3. You use A/B testing wherever possible
  4. You read 7 Ways to Increase Open and Click-Through Rates for Your Cold Emails and then add some more
  5. You check the stats more than three times an hour
  6. You’ve learnt that personalization is one of the keys to success
  7. You check the name and the email of the recipient 10 times before launching the campaign
  8. Once you launch the campaign, you instantly start dreaming about the interested replies you’ll receive
  9. Your colleagues think that to launch an email campaign from scratch is an easy task
  10. You frequently get asked, “How’s your campaign?”
  11. You monitor Quora questions on cold emails every day
  12. Your Facebook or Twitter updates frequently involve cold emailing
  13. You know that follow ups are just as important as the first email
  14. You check your campaigns even on weekends
  15. When using an email automation tool, you don’t wait 15 minutes after the campaign launches before you immediately write to Support asking, “Why hasn’t my campaign launched yet?”
  16. One of your prospects has been in several campaigns
  17. You think that CTA refers to Call to Action only
  18. When you hear or read discussions that email marketing is dead, it drives you up the wall
  19. You tried dozens of email automation tools
  20. You discover all the new features of the tool before the official release announcement
  21. You know what features should be introduced next in the email automation tool better than the CTO
  22. You know the tool so well that you can do demos yourself
  23. You have more than 20 email campaigns
  24. When tweeting or posting to Facebook, you have the feeling that you’re writing a cold email
  25. You’ve just shared any of these with your friends.

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Try to count how many of these scenarios have happened to you recently (our marketing team did, and we’ve spotted at least 10 of them). Then try to guess if you want it to be different (our answer is “No, please!”).

But what you can choose is your workflow and tool stack, and you can alter both of them to any extent until you feel they are a great fit for your outreach.

Having so many email automation tools out there nowadays (and Reply as one of them), we decided to share with you the insights of the Reply Outreacher Portrait. We suppose that our beloved customers have a lot in common apart from using our tool for outbound sales automation.

But what makes Reply different and how does it feel using it compared to other tools? We’re sure those of you who had a chance to try out our tool will find some of the following statements really familiar too.

So, you know you’re using Reply when…

  1. You change the email password, you rush to your Reply account to update it
  2. You have the Reply support section in your bookmarks or favourites
  3. You use more than one integration
  4. You know how to warm up of an account and can even give advice to other users
  5. You have the personal Skype of Reply’s Head of support
  6. You’re waiting for Reply’s email report as one of the best things of the day
  7. You’ve read our ebooks #1 and #2
  8. You’ve watched our webinar and are looking forward to the new ones
  9. You visit other email automation sites and clearly understand what parts of design or features they borrowed from Reply
  10. You see Replay in the mall and read it as Reply
  11. You missed the Outbox and were so happy when it was re-launched
  12. Our marketing team wrote or plans to write a Case Study about your company
  13. You’ve subscribed to our Youtube Channel
  14. You’ve completed all courses on Reply Academy
  15. Reply Support knows everything about your plans for your holiday

How’s your relation with cold emailing and Reply going so far?

Feel free to share your outreacher portrait traits in the comments below.