Stay Ahead with These Email Deliverability Updates in

Stay Ahead with These Email Deliverability Updates in

In 2024 getting your emails into the inbox has never been more important—or more challenging, matter-of-factly. 

With Google’s new requirements about open tracking and tighter rules from major email providers, making sure your messages actually reach their audience has become a real puzzle.

At Reply, we know how critical this is, so we’ve made email deliverability our top priority.

This month, we’re excited to share some key updates that will help you navigate these changes and keep your emails where they belong: in the inbox. From boosting plain text sending options to adding branded links and improving bounce handling, these updates are designed to sharpen your outreach and make sure your emails hit the mark. 

Let us show you.

Improve Deliverability with Plain Text Emails

We’re excited to introduce Plain Text Sending Mode, a feature designed to increase your email deliverability by stripping out all the extra stuff—no HTML, images, or link tracking. 

This simpler, cleaner format helps your emails get past filters and into inboxes.

When you use Plain Text Mode, all the fancy formatting, images, and tracking links are removed, sending your emails as pure text. Your opt-out link will be replaced by simple opt-out text from your settings. 

While it’s not recommended, you can also remove the opt-out option entirely if you prefer.

Keep in mind, you won’t be able to track open or click rates with this mode, but you can still measure success by tracking the reply rate—a good benchmark is anything over 5%.

Even without tracking, this mode is great for improving deliverability, especially if you’ve had issues with blocked accounts due to suspicious links, images, or complex formatting.

How to enable it:

  1. Head to your sequence settings.
  2. Toggle on the Plain Text Sending Mode option.

Improve Deliverability with Plain Text Emails

Check out the video and discover all the powerful features that can boost your inbox placement!

Keep Compliant with Simple Unsubscribe Options

The next feature is the List-Unsubscribe Header, giving your recipients an easier, compliant way to unsubscribe from your emails. This helps keep your domain’s reputation strong and ensures you’re meeting key regulations.

Why you need it? 

Starting in February 2024, Gmail will require bulk senders—those sending over 5,000 emails a day or sending the same content to many recipients—to offer a one-click unsubscribe option. Yahoo Mail has similar requirements, so this feature is now more important than ever.

By adding the unsubscribe link in a compliant way, your deliverability improves, and it helps avoid issues with email providers. When someone clicks the Unsubscribe button, their email will be automatically marked as opted out, ensuring your mailing list stays accurate and up-to-date.

How to enable it:

  1. Head to your email sequence settings.
  2. Toggle on the Enable List-Unsubscribe Header option.

Find all the details you need in our support article.

Keep Compliant with Simple Unsubscribe Options

Get Your Emails Delivered!

Join Reply today and unlock 30+ features designed to boost your deliverability. Don’t just send cold emails—make sure they land in the inbox!

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Take Control of Sending Delays for Better Results

You now have the ability to set random delays between emails at the sequence level, giving you greater control and flexibility in your campaigns.

Sending emails too quickly or in a predictable pattern can trigger spam filters, as it often looks like automated behavior. By adding random delays and spreading out the sending times, you can make your emails feel more like they’re being sent manually, improving your chances of landing in the inbox.

What’s new:

  • You can now set delays in seconds, minutes, or even hours, right from the sequence settings to fit your strategy.
  • Random variance is built in to make your emails look more natural.
  • Set longer delays (up to 86,400 seconds) for even better deliverability and to avoid spam filters.

How to set delays (at the Email Account level):

  1. Go to your Email Accounts under Settings.
  2. Open the Mailboxes tab.
  3. Select a mailbox and enable “Delay between each email sent” in the Safety Settings.
  4. Set your minimum and maximum delay in seconds.

How to set delays (at the Sequence level):

  1. Set the delay between each email sent in your sequence’s General Settings.
  2. Choose your preferred time unit (seconds, minutes, or hours).

This gives you more control over the timing of your emails, leading to better results and improved deliverability.

Take Control of Sending Delays for Better Results

2024 Cold Email Deliverability Playbook

Learn how to improve email deliverability with insights from over 50 million emails. This playbook provides step-by-step guidance and top tools to optimize your email outreach.

Get your free copy →
cold email deliverability playbook

Easily Handle Bounces for Google and Office 365

We’ve decided and added a new filter called “Bounced by Over Limit” on the People page to give you more control over email bounces. 

This feature helps you easily spot prospects who didn’t receive your emails because your account was blocked by the email provider. Once your account is unblocked, you can quickly resend those emails and ensure your message gets through.

Why this matters:

Emails can bounce for all kinds of reasons, and figuring out why is key to fixing the problem and keeping your deliverability strong. Our new filter focuses on emails that bounced because you hit sending limits, helping you identify and resolve the issue faster. 

This way, you won’t miss out on reaching any prospects—you can resend your emails once the block is lifted.

And, this is just the beginning of our efforts to bring more transparency to email bounces, with more updates coming soon!

Easily Handle Bounces for Google and Office 365

Quickly Connect Multiple Mailboxes to Sequences

You can now connect multiple mailboxes to a sequence directly from your email account settings—a game-changer for those managing high-volume outreach or wanting to increase daily sending capacity. 

With the recent changes from Google and Yahoo in February 2024, using multiple domains and mailboxes has become the go-to strategy for scaling cold outreach. Relying on just one domain for high-volume campaigns can lead to issues like higher bounce rates or being flagged as spam.

This new bulk connection feature cuts down on manual work, letting you add multiple mailboxes to a sequence with just a few clicks. It streamlines your email workflow and boosts efficiency.

How to use it:

  1. Head to your account Settings.
  2. Open the Email Account tab.
  3. Select the mailboxes you want to connect to a sequence.
  4. Click “Move to Sequence.”
  5. Choose the sequence you want to assign the mailboxes to.

Quickly Connect Multiple Mailboxes to Sequences

Upgrade Your Tracking with Branded Links

We’re more than excited (true story!) to roll out major upgrades to our Branded Links feature, also known as Custom Tracking Links. These updates make it easier to create and manage branded links, helping you boost both deliverability and engagement.

What’s new:

  • You can now easily match a branded link with your sending domain by selecting the “Match the link with sending domain” option.
  • Quickly view the settings for each branded link with a single click on the “i” icon.
  • We’ve made the setup more intuitive and user-friendly.

Why branded links matter:

Generic tracking methods, like standard tracking pixels, can often trigger spam filters and hurt deliverability. 

Branded links, on the other hand, align with your sending domain, which builds trust with email providers and can boost open rates by 5-15%. This makes branded links essential for improving your outreach while reliably tracking clicks and opens.

Upgrade Your Tracking with Branded Links

Easily Import Mailboxes for Faster Warm-Up

And the last (but not least) feature to introduce is the MailToaster warm-up tool! 

You can now import mailboxes in bulk using a CSV file, making it easier to manage and warm up multiple mailboxes at once.

This is especially helpful as using multiple domains and mailboxes has become a popular strategy for scaling cold outreach. Relying on just one domain for high-volume campaigns can lead to issues like higher bounce rates or getting flagged as spam. 

That’s why the need for warming up multiple mailboxes has grown.

How to use the Bulk Import feature:

  1. Go to the Warm-Up Emails tab.
  2. Click Add Mailbox in the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Select Import from CSV.
  4. Choose your CSV file with these fields: Email, Daily Limit, Sender Name, SMTP Host, SMTP Port, SMTP Password, SMTP SSL (Optional), IMAP Host, IMAP Port, IMAP Password, IMAP SSL (Optional), Warm-up Daily Goal, and Warm-up Daily Increment.
  5. Upload the file, and the system will automatically process the mailbox data.

This update makes warming up multiple mailboxes easier and saves you time and effort.

Easily Import Mailboxes for Faster Warm-Up

Warm-up Your Email Accounts with MailToaster

Build, maintain, and repair your sender reputation with MailToaster’s bulk email warm-up service

Try it out!
mailtoaster icon for CTA

Wrapping up

Email deliverability in 2024 requires a smart and flexible approach. 

At Reply, we’re not just keeping up with changes—we’re staying ahead of them. We’re always anticipating new shifts that could impact your email outreach and rolling out features to protect your deliverability.

By using our advanced tools and features, you’ll be ready to tackle the constantly changing email landscape. This means your messages will consistently reach the right people, opening the door to more opportunities, stronger connections, and better results from your outreach.

Stick with us, and we’ll help you stay at the forefront of email deliverability best practices. 

Your success is our top priority, today and in the future.

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