Introducing Roles & Permissions in Reply
We all know sales is a team effort – even more so for larger and more complex sales organizations, including lead generation agencies. So we’ve been getting a lot of feature requests to give more power and capabilities to such teams specifically.
And so we did!
Ladies and gentlemen, let me present the highlight of the latest release – Roles & Permissions in Reply (now available in Beta)!
Here’s a brief overview of what has changed and the new capabilities we’re offering as a part of this major update.
Organization and Teams
Growing our network of agency partners and talking to dozens of teams over the past few months, we’ve been 100% focused on making our product more convenient and valuable for them.
As part of this effort, we are changing the hierarchy within the product to add two new entities in Reply:
- Organization – the company or the agency itself that handles billing, can create multiple teams within one account and manage roles and permissions for team members according to specific business needs.
- Teams – the departments inside the company (like Sales, Customer Success, and Customer Support) or agency clients with their own sequences and contacts.
To make it more convenient, you can use the same account across different teams within your organization (and switch between them) using the Team switcher.
As a part of the new hierarchy, we’re also introducing Roles in Reply – different sets of permissions (actions) that each particular user is allowed to perform within the given team in your organization.
To improve visibility within the team, we’re adding Team Roles that can handle permissions on the team level, like the ability to work with Sequences, Contacts, Reports, Tasks, and Integrations. The two default options available now are Team Lead and Team Member. Later on, you can modify these default settings and create your own roles with specific permissions.
To handle permissions at an organizational level, like billing, inviting users, creating teams, creating and assigning team roles, managing permissions, and more, we’re also adding Organization Roles (with only one option available at the moment – Organization Owner).
This role is assigned to the main user that can create and manage your Reply workplace, including any actions related to Organization and Team roles.
This new hierarchy should help agencies and businesses using our platform build more efficient workflows in Reply, creating virtual teams that mimic the real company structure, and better manage their work within the organization across separate teams as well as clients.
You can find a more detailed description of the new hierarchy and the changes that come with it in this article.
Permissions in Reply
A major update that goes hand in hand with the newly introduced Roles is called Permissions.
Every Permission is a setting that allows a user to perform a specific action or view a particular functionality in Reply. You can manage permissions once you select a specific role in a specific team from the left-side menu (More → Organization → Roles & Permissions tab).
Here, you can manage permissions for both Organization and Team Roles. Organization level permissions include the ability to add users to the organization, create teams, manage billing, etc.
For all team roles, permissions are divided into several categories related to a particular functionality in Reply:
- Sequence
- Contacts
- Template
- Report
- Tasks
Each category contains a list of permissions that relate to a particular functionality in Reply.