How to Check if an Email is Valid in 8 Easy Ways: The Go-To Guide

How to Check if an Email is Valid in 8 Easy Ways: The Go-To Guide

Did you know that if you want a successful email marketing campaigns, the bounce rate must be below 2%? Yes, this means that only 2 out of 100 messages you send, should bounce back.

How can you minimize the bounce rate of your messages and increase the chances of connecting with your target audience? 

The answer is email validation

Yes, checking email addresses’ format, age, and existence is a key step before launching an email marketing campaign. Why? This allows you to distinguish which addresses are legitimate and which are not, thus ensuring that each message reaches a potential customer’s inbox. 

Also, it will enable you to protect yourself from spammers and cybercriminals who use your messages to impersonate you or your brand.

Today on, we explain 8 simple ways to validate email addresses quickly, increase the deliverability of your messages, reduce bounce rate, and reach your target audience.

Let’s get started!

How to check if an email is valid? 

Validating your email and phone number lists puts you one step closer to your target audience. Why? A clean list lets you check that every single email address you have belongs to a potential customer and not to a spammer waiting for the chance to steal your identity.

Discover 8 simple methods to validate emails and reach the inbox! 

Method 1: Check the email address format 

The first option to include an email address in your list is to ensure its structure or format is appropriate. 

An email address has 4 elements. Let us explain them one by one!

  • Prefix or username, this is the part before the at sign (@) and can include upper- or lower-case letters and numbers. It can consist of special characters such as periods (.) or hyphens (-) (_).
  • The @ symbol tells you which domain to find that address in. 
  • Domain this is the name that appears immediately after the @ symbol. It includes only letters, such as Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, etc. 
  • The domain extension: After the dot (.), there must be an extension such as .com, .org, .io, .net, etc. 

To illustrate it better, an address with a good format would be → 

Which emails should you discard? 

  • If the email structure includes space, commas, special characters, and others → $ampl&r 
  • It’s key that you verify that it’s an actual domain, like, and not something invented like gamail123. 

Checking each email address this way can be time-consuming, so let’s look at other options. 

Don’t worry about email validation

Let Reply handle the heavy lifting. Our email verification tool takes care of it all, so you don’t have to. Sit back and enjoy better deliverability!

Let Reply handle it!

Method 2: Send a test email 

This is possibly the easiest way to check if an email is valid. It consists of simply sending a test email and waiting to see if it’s sent or bounces.

At, we recommend this option as part of your email deliverability toolset if you’re starting with your email marketing campaigns, refining your lists, collecting a few addresses, or occasionally adding a few short lists of email addresses. 

This test message would be a step before starting your campaign so that it doesn’t affect your performance metrics. You may be wondering what I can write. We recommend that you keep it short and straight to the point, something like:

{{First name}}, quick email check 📨

Hi {{First name}},

I hope you’re having a great day! We’re just reaching out from {{Your Brand Name}} to quickly confirm we’ve got the right email address for you.

If you’ve received this, just give us a quick reply—thanks so much!

Looking forward to hearing from you,

{{Your Name}}

{{Your Brand Name}}

The test email

If the address is false, the message won’t be sent, and you’ll receive a notification within a few minutes.

You may receive two types of notifications, the first one indicating “Message not sent.” In this case, there’s a technical problem, but you can try again in a few minutes.

Or you may receive a message in your email saying, “Email address not found.” In this case, there may be a typo or some unnecessary space in the email address, or the address simply doesn’t exist. 

Method 3: Try password recovery

According to Statista, 24.4% of email users request to recover their passwords yearly. What’s the salvation for these more than 1 billion forgetful people? Their email providers offer the password recovery option.

Well-known companies such as Google with Gmail, Microsoft with Outlook, and Yahoo put the “forgot password” option under the password box, a simple way to verify the legitimacy of an email address.

How can you use it?

  1. Take the email address on your list. 
  2. Go to the email provider’s website, e.g.
  3. Click on the forgot password option. 
  4. Enter the email address.
  5. If you can continue the process, the address is valid. Otherwise, if it says “invalid address” or “not found,” you can cross it off your list. 

Note: We recommend this method when starting, as your lists are very short. Otherwise, it would take a long time.

Method 4: Run an IP lookup 

The next email verification method we suggest at is to run an Internet Protocol (IP) lookup. 

Don’t panic! Although its name may sound like a very technical process, it’s a simple step that will only take a few minutes. 

You may be wondering, what good is this for my email marketing campaign? IP addresses allow you to know the server’s geolocation. Every time you send and receive a message, it includes the server’s IP address where it’s sent. 

Although the IP address is usually not visible, you can look at the message’s source in the “from:” box.

How to run an IP lookup?

  1. View the source code of the message.
  2. Copy the IP address that appears in the “from:” box.
  3. Search online for a lookup tool, and there are several free options, such as IP Lookup by NordVPN, IP Location, What Is My IP Adress 
  4. Once you paste the IP address into one of these tools, it will show you the Internet Service Provider (ISP), the country, and the city of origin of the message in seconds.

If you don’t trust the source site, cross that email address off your list and move on to the next one. 

Method 5: Google it! (Is this email valid?)

A Google search is an easy way to check if an email is valid. Why? Because Google knows everything. 

Okay, no! 

The reason is that email addresses are used for everything, like opening social media accounts, having a website, working, registering in an online store, purchasing products and services, etc. 

Email addresses are part of people’s online presence, and search engines like Google index all the content they find, including email addresses. 

How does Googling an email address help you? You can make sure it’s a real person, see photo matches, even their address. Also, it is an option to confirm if the person by age, address, and occupation is part of your target audience. 

If you think this method is not for you, let’s jump to the next option!

Read on!

Verifying emails with Reply is easier!

Skip the hassle—Reply’s email verification makes it super easy to keep your list clean and your deliverability high. No more bounces, just results!

Verify in seconds!

Method 6: Hover over the email 

This method is your ideal option if you have a Gmail account!

In just 4 simple steps, you can validate an email: 

  1. Log in to your email. 
  2. Click on the “write” option to write a new message.
  3. Copy the email address you want to verify and paste it into the “To:” recipient box.
  4. Now, just hover the pointer over the email address without clicking.

How will you know that the email address is valid? When you hover the mouse over the email address in Gmail, a Google profile data box automatically appears, which includes key data such as the person’s full name, picture, or image.

If you don’t have a Gmail account, don’t worry; we have a second option! 

Here is how can you check if an email address is valid by using a Google spreadsheet:

  1. Open a spreadsheet. 
  2. Copy the address to verify.
  3. Paste it into a cell. 
  4. And hover your mouse over the address. 

You should automatically see a box with your potential customer’s name and profile picture. 

Method 7: Look at the domain age 

Looking at the domain age is a good way to check if an email is valid, as this can give you key information about email address legitimacy and its use.

Which domains can you add to your list? Domains that are several years old for personal or professional use. The age of the domain is associated with the reliability and credibility of the email. 

However, this is a big red flag if you find an address that has just been created. Spammers and cybercriminals create several addresses per day for their malicious activities. 

Even if the new address is not spam, it is not reputable or trustworthy enough to include it in your list. 

Also, remember that domain age is a factor that allows you to know the probabilities of maintaining a fluid and legitimate interaction with that account for your follow-up messages or warm-up emails. It also allows you to reduce the probability of being a victim of spam or cyber-attacks for yourself or your potential customers.

How to check if an email domain is valid through its domain age? Just search online and choose one of the free domain age checker options available, such as SE Ranking, SmallSEOTools, or the Google Chrome extensions (there are a few of them).

Method 8: Use an email checker tool 

Looking to streamline your email campaigns? Consider the use of email checker tools like inside of These software applications and online services not only validate your emails but also prevent spam and fraudulent signups. 

This, in turn, enhances the performance of your marketing campaigns.

By implementing email testing tools, you can use various features to help you manage different aspects of your email campaigns. Some of the main functions provided by this type of tool are the following:

  • Deliverability testing → allows you to identify and solve problems that hinder your emails from being delivered to the users’ inbox. These tests may involve alerts, advanced filtering, domain authentication, and blocklist checks.
  • Spam testing → checks content with various spam filters to ensure the email does not contain suspicious links or other elements that could cause damage.
  • Processing tests → facilitates previewing emails on various devices to ensure they look good and work properly on all devices.
  • Toxicity testing → detects if your email list contains all harmful addresses, and thus protects email deliverability and as a consequence the sender’s score.

And if you’re looking to build a full-scale email deliverability toolkit, we’ve got you covered! Check out our comprehensive guide on email deliverability inside to help ensure your emails always hit the mark.

How to test if an email is valid? (with an email validation tool) 

The right Email Validation Tool can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your campaigns. However, with numerous options available, making the right choice can be daunting. To simplify this process, we’ve compiled a list of the best tools on the market, each with its unique benefits, to help you find the perfect fit for your needs. — probably, the best option

Sending emails to invalid addresses can be a huge waste of time and resources, end of the story. Not only does it hurt your deliverability, but it can also damage your sender reputation, causing your future emails to land in spam folders. 

That’s where’s built-in email validator comes to the rescue. 

Here’s how it works: scans each email address in your list and classifies them as Valid, Risky, or Invalid. This way, you can be sure you’re only sending to reliable contacts, protecting your sender reputation. 

If the validator spots an invalid address, it flags it so you can remove it before hitting “send.” Risky emails might include temporary or unverified addresses, allowing you to decide whether to include them. This keeps your campaigns clean, reduces bounce rates, and improves overall deliverability.

It’s especially practical for large-scale campaigns. The validator saves you time by ensuring you’re only reaching out to real prospects, maximizing your chances of engagement. Plus, by maintaining a healthy list, you’re protecting your sender reputation, which is key to keeping your campaigns successful in the long run.

Bottom line: with’s email validator, you’re not just improving your deliverability—you’re ensuring that every email you send is worth sending.

Get your emails delivered, every time!

Say goodbye to bounces and hello to high deliverability with Reply’s email verification. Keep your campaigns smooth and hitting inboxes!

Reach their inboxes today!

ZeroBounce → highly accurate and fast

check if email is valid with Zerobounce

ZeroBounce is a comprehensive email verification tool that goes beyond simply validating email addresses. It provides detailed information about the owners of the emails, including their location, making it a powerful tool for targeted marketing. 

If you want to ensure that your messages are delivered to real people, this is the ideal verification application for you. ZeroBounce helps you find clean emails from your contact list in real time to guarantee communication only with genuine customers. For these reasons, it is renowned for offering accurate and fast service.

You can take advantage of the wide variety of features offered by ZeroBounce for your company to improve your marketing efforts, such as:

  • Email finder, which helps generate verified email addresses. 
  • Sender reputation monitoring, which helps ensure that emails are delivered effectively. 
  • Email scoring thoroughly evaluates the quality of emails and approves or disapproves them. 
  • Email testing and blocklist monitoring to ensure the deliverability of messages to recipients.

Gain recipients’ trust and more business benefits by taking advantage of ZeroBounce. You can test a single or multiple emails at once, get results with a 99% accuracy rate, and quickly connect to email marketing platforms.

NeverBounce → fast real-time verification

test if email is valid with Neverbounce

If you need a reliable partner to perform real-time verification, you can count on NeverBounce. Imagine having someone tell you instantly if an email is valid. This tool can quickly scan your email list to check its validity and ensure that your messages reach the intended recipients. Plus, it easily integrates with your marketing and CRM tools to save hassle. 

With NeverBounce, you can check many emails and effortlessly verify them. Add the list with as many unknown email addresses as you want, and the tool will personally evaluate them. If over 3% of your emails are rejected after using NeverBounce, they promise to reimburse you for the additional cost.

Take advantage of this tool’s many benefits, such as maintaining a high-quality email list and improving your marketing campaigns. Learn what you can do with NeverBounce:

  • Perform a deep cleaning to verify all valid, invalid, and unknown addresses.
  • Validate the email server to check its security.
  • Check the health of the domain through a deep system scan.
  • High-risk detection: evaluates emails and performs a validation to avoid problems affecting your company. 
  • Synchronize with your email provider to ensure automatic daily list cleaning.

Automate the cleaning of your email list in just two steps with NeverBounce. First, it analyzes your list, detects misspelled and duplicate addresses, and then verifies their validity. Now, you can get daily verifications without worrying about sending invalid emails.

Pabbly email verification → affordable automated verification

how to check if an email is valid with Pabbly

If you are looking for an affordable option for quick checks, Pabbly Email Verification may be your best choice. The reports provided by this tool are clear and straightforward, so you won’t need to decipher hieroglyphics to understand the quality of your lists. For these reasons, they are the perfect tool for small and medium-sized businesses. 

You can use this tool to clean and maintain email lists, significantly reducing the number of undelivered or bounced emails. In addition, you will considerably increase your sender score and messages’ deliverability.

Pabbly is verification software that allows you to confirm the accuracy and validity of email addresses automatically. This tool is much more affordable than most of the competition and guarantees a high percentage of deliverability success.  

By using this email-checking tool, you can enjoy the following advantages:

  • 98% email deliverability and high accuracy.
  • Anti-greylisting capability to protect your email list from spammers.
  • Uses TLD and keywords to identify addresses with invalid syntax.

Pabbly’s hands-on approach allows for human intervention to help ensure better results than the competition. By 2024, the tool had successfully prevented more than 720 million bounce incidents, and its developers are constantly making improvements—you, too, can take advantage of its excellent results!

EmailVerifier → ability to verify large email lists

check if email is valid with EmailVerifier

Do you have a lot of contacts you need to verify? The EmailVerifier tool helps you keep everything in order by being able to verify large lists in real-time. 

In addition, it provides detailed reports that will let you know exactly which emails are valid and which are not, which will help you avoid many unpleasant surprises. 

EmailVerifier is ideal for people looking for practical and straightforward email verification. The tool offers a comprehensive analysis, including domain verification and disposable email detection in real-time and batch mode. Thus, it is considered a perfect solution for those who want to send messages to many people.

Here we highlight some of EmailVerifier’s most outstanding features:

  • This tool takes care of analyzing all the emails on your list to ensure that they are valid and active. This way it allows you to improve the quality of your lists to avoid having invalid and disposable emails.
  • EmailVerifier can instantly scan emails and load entire lists for bulk verification. This feature is handy if you work with large volumes of user data.
  • The tool can provide clear and concise reports with all the information on the status of your emails, making it easy to identify problems and make informed decisions.
  • EmailVerifier’s platform has an intuitive design, allowing all users to take advantage of its functions without complications. So, you don’t need to be an expert to get the most out of the tool.
  • EmailVerifier can integrate with other tools and platforms, making it easy to include it in your existing workflows.

Optimize your marketing efforts by keeping your mailing lists clean with EmailVerifier, and ensure that your messages reach the right inboxes.

MyEmailVerifier → ease of use and affordability 

test if email is valid with MyEmailVerifier

Looking for a fast verification option at a good price? MyEmailVerifier email validation software has various features to provide a clean email list that helps improve your marketing campaigns. Among its features is eliminating junk mail, spam, and duplicate emails so that your messages reach genuine customers without problems. 

The MyEmailVerifier tool is easy to use and affordable for businesses of different sizes. Its implementation can improve email deliverability and target the right audience because it performs syntax verification, email extraction, generation of QR codes, MD5 encryption, calculation of email open rate, and detection of role accounts, among other things.

  • Accuracy of 99% of the results significantly reduces bounce rates.
  • Simplifies mass email verification with a custom API in JSON format.
  • Identifies emails that are temporarily unavailable and checks your Yahoo email list.

For the above reasons, if you are looking for an efficient and fast tool to validate your emails, MyEmailVerifier is a suitable choice. By implementing it in your business, you will keep your lists clean and ensure that your messages reach the right inboxes.

Wrapping Up 

You already know the eight most effective methods to check to see if an email is valid and the tools that can make your life easier. Now, you can ensure that all the addresses you get are genuine, and you will be able to protect your inbox and optimize the results of your marketing strategies. 

Every contact is a valuable opportunity you should take advantage of, so you must know how to check if an email is valid. Remember that constant communication with your target audience is critical to maximizing your business opportunities. So don’t wait any longer, and discover Reply’s solution for email deliverability.

So, next time you encounter a suspicious email, don’t hesitate to use the recommended methods to evaluate it properly. In case you need additional support, you can use some of the verification tools we have shared. Keep a professional and authentic approach to achieve great results. 

Start validating emails to take your efforts to the next level with!

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