{{FirstName}}, quick question
Hey {{FirstName}}.

Probably a huge ask, but I came across your LinkedIn profile and noticed your connections with {{referral's name1}} and {{referral's name2}}.

Given their involvement in [Topic], I believe they might benefit from using [Your Company]] to address [Pain Point].

Are you comfortable making an email introduction with them via email? I'll send you some text you can copy/paste into an email - nothing pushy.

Look forward to hearing from you and have a wonderful {{today}}.
Use Template

Why it works

This template is direct yet polite, making it clear you've done your homework by mentioning mutual connections. It respects the recipient's discretion to make an introduction and offers to simplify the process with ready-to-use text, balancing assertiveness with courtesy.

When to use it

Use this template when you've identified potential leads or contacts through LinkedIn and want to leverage mutual connections for introductions. It's ideal when the mutual connections are directly relevant to your business goals or pain points you're addressing.

Who can use it

This template can be effectively used by entrepreneurs, sales professionals, or anyone in business development roles looking to expand their network or reach out to potential clients through warm introductions.

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